"Called to be God's work of art" (Eph.2:10)
Creativity at the Liturgical Centre
Our Creative Team
“Like Mary, Mother of God, transformed by their meeting with the Risen Lord, the Beauty which saves the world, we are sent as apostles with the Apostles to proclaim, celebrate and serve Him.”
Rule of Life of the Disciples of the Divine Master, n.9.
Each Sister is called to put their gifts and talents at the service of our liturgical ministry so as to proclaim, celebrate and serve Jesus. Appreciating the gifts of creation, we strive to use what is natural and respectful to our common home. We are blessed to have many artists in our Congregation. You may be familiar with some of their work, both locally or internationally. Whilst every Sister might not be an artist, we are all called to be artistic and explore the gift of creativity and how this can convey a Gospel message of hope and faith.
Each Sister is called to cultivate a sense of beauty and simplicity, nourished by a life of prayer and reflection, and transform this into the items which we make available in our Centres. These are all made into an atmosphere of prayer and awareness of the prayer which continues long after someone purchases something in our Liturgical Centre. Here we see the chain of prayer which connects from the Chapel, to the artistic and sewing rooms which we call ‘Domus Dei’ (God’s House), and to the customers’ home and beyond. It is exciting to see how the Lord continues to shine through our Sisters and their work which they share so enthusiastically! Thank you for supporting our mission!

Meet the Sisters

Sr. Muriel
It is fitting to start this series of ‘featured sisters’ with our oldest Sister, Sr. Muriel. She is pictured doing a simple task of putting the cards together with the envelopes. But be assured that she is praying for the people who will come to our Centre and buy these cards! Sr. Muriel is renowned in Athlone as being a powerful intercessor for the many people and situations she meets. She is never without her tiny pencil and scrap paper in her pocket where she writes the names of the people to pray for. As she edges gracefully towards her centenary years, she is as enthusiastic and committed to being involved in our liturgical ministry as she was when she was asked to begin our mission in the Vatican, with a small souvenir shop up on the roof of the Basilica back on 1st of May 1953. We asked Sister Muriel to share with us about her experience of the liturgical ministry: What do you like most about the liturgical ministry? I like that is very important and like a second school for us. We keep learning. By striving to understand how we can serve people better, we need to pray,