Liturgy and Life Blog

“Turning the hearts and minds of people to God”
(Sacramentum concilum 122)
If you ask most people what is liturgy, they may find it hard to answer. Even those who are frequent visitors to Churches, those who pray. Many people will say that liturgy is ‘Mass’, or ‘Eucharist’. Yes it, but is also much much more.  Most of the time, we are carrying out liturgy, are involved in liturgy, are liturgists, come together as a liturgical people, without even realising! Our liturgy is a liturgy of life and in the same way our life is permeated with liturgy.   In our Centres, we strive to provide items of beauty which lift hearts and minds to God. Most of the items which we stock in our Liturgical Centre are to be used in liturgy. They have a specific use, at a specific time, in a specific place. They are instruments for prayers, some of them are sacramentals, others may be gift items to mark significant sacramental events like First Communion, Baptism etc. Items which are prepared by our PDDM Sisters here or abroad are done so in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection, mindful of those who will purchase and use the hand-crafted items. Liturgy and life come together in the daily work which the Sisters do. Having spent time in the morning in prayer, both personal and communitarian, each Sister then goes to their ministry ready to spread a message of hope and joy, even in the quotidian monotony. Our new and brighter Liturgical Centre in Dublin invites you to an encounter with the sacred in the ordinary.  In this digital space, we hope to bring you an insight into some of these liturgical items and how they are used. Other times, we will provide some reflections, pastoral suggestions and catechetical tips for the different times of the liturgical year.  All this is in the hope that each of us will come closer to Christ who is present with us every time we celebrate liturgy and leads us to have a meaningful relationship with Him who is the Way, Truth and Life. 

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